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Monday, December 12, 2011

200 Pageviews Surprise!

It is time! For a celebration! Because...


In honor of that, I have dedicated this post to show the best videos on the internet that YouTube has to offer.

Who can't love funny cats doing stupid things?

Kids say the funniest things...

Ring! Ring! Pick up the phone!

Ahhhh... don't we all just love the dentist...

One word is all I have to say..."Charlie!"


CAT SPY!!!!!!


Got any grapes?

And finally... DUH DUH DUHNNNNN!!!!

"Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan.....!"

Hope you all enjoyed! Keep subscribing! Get your friends to subscribe!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hey guys! Isn't so annoying when people write in Wingdings and you can't understand what they are saying (I understand how incredibly cheesy that is)? Wait no more (So was that)! I will be doing a three-part series on Wingdings and their translations. Here is Part Uno:

Now since your so good at it, try this...

Good Luck! (You're gonna need it :) )

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Awkward Moment When...

You say something and everyone takes it in a bad way. This goes out to my G period English class...grrrr...

Monday, October 10, 2011

My new blog!

Heyyyya people of America! I just started a new blog with my friend Smiley Peeps to promote our new business, "That's A Wrap!". The blog's name is, you guessed it, That's A Wrap!, and the URL is ... Check it out!

Friday, September 30, 2011

200 Pageviews :)

OK, so this past week, my blog got 100 pageviews! How cool is that?!? It gets even better! When I get 200 pageviews on my blog, I will do something  A  M  A  Z  I  N  G   .  .  .    S  O     A  M  A  Z  I  N  G    Y  O  U     W  I  L  L     N  O  T    B  E  L  I  E  V  E    Y  O  U  R    E  Y  E  S  .  .  .  Well bye! Subscribe; Comment; Peace.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Riddle #2 Respects

This is a Respects post published as said for the winner of riddle #2...SmileyPeeps! Congrats and good job...

...And play again.

Answer to Riddle #2

Okay, so I told you guys the contest would end October 25, but barely TWO DAYS LATER someone guessed the right answer... GLASS! Congrats to SmileyPeeps who guessed correctly!

- purrbox99

Friday, September 23, 2011

Riddle #2

Ok, OBVIOUSLY I haven't been keeping up with my riddles (don't judge me!) so now I shall do another one :) the first person to comment AND subscribe to my blog will get a personal recognition! :D Here it goes!

A blue house is made out of blue bricks. A yellow house is made out of yellow bricks. An orange house is made out of orange bricks. What would a green house be made out of?

Contest ends October 25 at 11:59 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ShoutOut! 9/20/11

Hey everyone! This is a ShoutOut! dedicated to my good friend (Names shall not be mentioned to protect the person's privacy) whose blog is Smiley Peeps (I have posted a link below)! Thank you for being such a good friend and follower!


P.S. The link is

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Magic of Picnik

Man, I LOOOVEE! You can edit and awesomize photos FOR FREE (You can also get premium for money) Check out what i made. More to come!
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Purr-fect Products!- Nintendo 3ds

Nintendo has done it once again- a product worthy of catching consumer's eyes amidst the rage of 99¢ mobile games... The Nintendo 3ds. This is the fifth system in the line of the Nintendo DS systems (The former four being the Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi, and Nintendo DSiXL) and features 3-D viewing... Without Glasses! Several of the built-in features include:

• Mii Maker- Similar to the Wii's human likeness creator, Mii Maker features all the bits and pieces of the Wii and much more! It also features the ability to take a Picture of your face using the inner of the two rear facing cameras(see Camera), and PRESTO! It transforms your face into a Mii!

•Camera- The 3ds features two cameras- one inner, one outer- just like its previous counterparts the DSi and DSiXL. The difference? The 3ds' outer camera can take 3-D pictures!

•Sound- Almost exactly like the DSi and DSiXL

• AR Card- When you buy the 3ds, It comes with 6 AR (Augmented Reality) Cards. These can project a digital image onto the card, and , from the DS screen, make it look like Mario is on your table! AR Cards are compatible with several games, including Nintendogs+ Cats.

• Face Raiders- Face Raiders is a game that in which you take a picture of somebody's face and
the system creates an army of soldiers bearing that face, and it's your job to shoot them!

• Nintendo e-Shop- This Wonderful application returns again, allowing you to digitally purchase games for your 3ds.


Price- $169.99
Colors- Aqua Blue, Cosmo Black, Flame Red ( To Be Released September 9)

Hope You Enjoyed!

- Purrbox99

Giant Pink Rubber Bands... HUH?!?!

Hey everyone! With my friend Ari... Her blog is called Oh Snap Itz Ari-G here at good ole'! Our last day of break thouroughly consisted of...

• Singing about the sky falling down
• Flicking each other with a giant pink rubber band
• Screaming at TV screens with our two orangoutangs of brothers

Yeah... :) hehe... LATER!!!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Answer to "Riddle of the Week #1"

Yeah as you can see i didn't exactly get to my riddle of the week post in a week, so now i'm just calling them "riddles".  the answer to riddle of the week #1 is "Jack and Marie are fish"! Funny, right?