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Friday, September 30, 2011

200 Pageviews :)

OK, so this past week, my blog got 100 pageviews! How cool is that?!? It gets even better! When I get 200 pageviews on my blog, I will do something  A  M  A  Z  I  N  G   .  .  .    S  O     A  M  A  Z  I  N  G    Y  O  U     W  I  L  L     N  O  T    B  E  L  I  E  V  E    Y  O  U  R    E  Y  E  S  .  .  .  Well bye! Subscribe; Comment; Peace.



Anonymous said...

wait, how do you find out haw many views your blog gets???

purrbox99 said...

I don't exactly remember, but it was a gadget I put at the bottom of my blog... It might be called stats or total pageviews, etc.

Ari-G said...

oohh!!! gotchaaaa...